Micro-motion Forms Classification of Space Cone-shaped Target Based on Convolution Neural Network


  • Gaogui Xu 1 School of Information Engineering Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China,2 Science and Technology on Electromagnetic Scattering Laboratory Beijing 100854, China
  • Hongcheng Yin 1 School of Information Engineering Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China , 2 Science and Technology on Electromagnetic Scattering Laboratory Beijing 100854, China
  • Chunzhu Dong Science and Technology on Electromagnetic Scattering Laboratory Beijing 100854, China


Convolution neural network, microDoppler, micro-motion forms classification, space coneshaped target


In this paper, the echo models with different micro-motion forms (spin, tumbling, precession, and nutation) of space cone-shaped target are built. Different from the ideal point scatterers model, the radar echo contains the contribution from the complex radar cross section (RCS) of point scatterer vs aspect angle. And a convolution neural network (CNN) model for micromotion forms classification based on the micro-Doppler characteristics in spectrograms is presented. The simulation results show that our method can discriminate different micro-motion forms effectively and the overall accuracy is 97.24%. Different levels of additive white Gaussian noise are added to simulate noise-contaminated radar echo. It has been found that the presented method has a stronger anti-noise ability than support vector machine (SVM). When the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of Gaussian white noise is 10 dB, the overall accuracy of our algorithm is 29.79% higher than that of SVM.




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