Anti-Jamming Front-End Design of Satellite Navigation Receiver


  • Fan Wang School of Information and Electronics Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China
  • Haipeng Liu School of Information and Electronics Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China
  • Chuanfang Zhang School of Information and Electronics Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China


Antenna array, anti-jamming, channel equalization, LCMV-PI algorithm, RF module


In this paper, an anti-jamming front-end is proposed for the satellite navigation receiver. Firstly, a seven-element receiving antenna array and an eightchannel (seven receiving channels and one calibration channel) radio frequency (RF) module are devised. Then, the interference suppression module based on the linear constraint minimum variance (LCMV) criterion are designed and analyzed. By using the LCMV-PI algorithm, the spatial domain information of the signal can be used to effectively suppress the interference. In addition, considering that the channel inconsistency will adversely affect the interference suppression algorithm and subsequent signal acquisition and tracking,




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