A Reconfigurable Crossed Dipole Antenna for Polarization Diversity Using Characteristic Mode Theory


  • Amirreza Nikfal Department of Electrical Engineering Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 1477893855, Iran
  • Gholamreza Dadashzadeh Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Shahed University, Tehran, 3319118651, Iran
  • Mohammad Naser-Moghadasi Department of Electrical Engineering Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 1477893855, Iran


Characteristic modes, circular polarization, crossed dipole, diversity, linear polarization, reconfigurable


A novel printed crossed dipole antenna with reconfigurable circular and linear polarization is proposed. This antenna consists of a pair of L-shape elements and a narrow gap on each arm for inserting a conductive metal tab as an ideal switch in the center of the gap to control its on-off status. The theory of characteristic modes has been used to design and analyze the proposed antenna. Based on the presented idea, a prototype of such antenna has been constructed with the center operating frequency at about 2500 MHz. The experimental results have been presented and compared with those obtained from the simulation showing a good agreement. The antenna is low cost and possesses simultaneous circular and linear polarization which has not been reported in the literature for single-feed crossed dipole antennas.




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