Super Wide Band Tunable Microstrip BPF Using Stub Loaded MMR


  • Aditi Sengupta Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur, Howrah-711 103, India
  • Somdotta R. Choudhury Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology, D. Y. Patil University Campus, Navi Mumbai-400 706, India
  • Santanu Das Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur, Howrah-711 103, India


Band Pass Filter (BPF), Multimode Resonator (MMR), Super Wide Band (SWB),, Ultra Wide Band (UWB)


A simpler structure of super wide band (SWB) tunable microstrip band pass filter (BPF) using stub loaded multimode resonator (MMR) is presented here. The MMR is formed by loading a single openended shunt stub at the center with a simple stepped impedance resonator. By incorporating this MMR with two interdigital parallel coupled feed lines, a novel SWB tunable BPF is formed. The BPF is fabricated using FR-4 substrate of 1.6 mm thickness with dielectric constant of 4.4 and simulated using high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement with each other, with a wide fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 179%. The measured insertion loss is less than -0.9 dB throughout the pass band of 3.1 GHz-15.4 GHz with the return loss higher than 11.5 dB. The group delay of the filter is relatively constant and less than 0.3 ns over the desired pass band.




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