A Dual-band WLAN Antenna with Reactive Loading


  • Yinfeng Xia College of Information and Communication Engineering Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China
  • Wei Xue College of Information and Communication Engineering Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China
  • Yingsong Li 1 College of Information and Communication Engineering Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China , 2 Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, National Space Science Center Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Lei Zhao School of Information and Control Engineering China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China


Dual-band, reactive loading, WLAN


Dual-band antenna is very essential for multiple band communication systems like wireless local area network (WLAN) with lower and upper operating bands. In this paper, a dual-band antenna is proposed and analyzed for the WLAN applications. The proposed antenna fed by coplanar waveguide (CPW) consists of an L-shaped, reversed L-shaped strips and two inverted U-shaped loadings that are to implement the reactive characteristics. The reactive loadings can adjust the bandwidth and performance of the dual-frequency WLAN antenna that is verified by the simulation and measurement, respectively. The results demonstrate that the -10dB impedance bandwidth of the proposed dualband antenna can cover the two WLAN frequency bands from 2.4 GHz to 2.484 GHz and from 5.15 GHz to 5.35 GHz, respectively. Moreover, the proposed antenna has omnidirectional radiation patterns at the two operating bands.




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