Efficient TLM-Based Approach for Compact Modeling of Anisotropic Materials and Composites


  • Miloš D. Kostić Innovation Center of Advanced Technologies, Niš, 18000, Serbia
  • Nebojša S. Dončov Faculty of Electronic Engineering University of Niš, Niš, 18000, Serbia
  • Zoran Ž. Stanković Faculty of Electronic Engineering University of Niš, Niš, 18000, Serbia
  • John D. Paul Electromagnetics scientist, Nottingham, NG1, United Kingdom


Anisotropic materials and composites, compact model, non-uniform grid, Z-TLM method


Compact modeling approach of anisotropic media by using the Z-TLM method is proposed. Thin anisotropic multilayer material is efficiently described through connection procedure between two Z-TLM mesh cells, by using the scattering parameters to create a digital filter-based compact model. Model is incorporated into non-uniform TLM grid given here in a form fully complying with the originally proposed Z-TLM method algorithm. Accuracy and efficiency of the compact model is confirmed on a few examples through comparison with the fine mesh results.




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