Calculation and Analysis of an Analytical Model for Magnetic Field Monitoring Based on TREE in Eddy Current Testing
Analytical model, eddy current testing, finite element method, magnetic field摘要
In this work, theoretical model for magnetic field monitoring rather than traditional detection of coil impedance is investigated and analyzed. The truncated region eigenfunction expansion (TREE) method [1] offers analytical expressions by truncating the solution region to a finite length, so magnetic field can be derived in a series of proper eigenfunctions instead of the integral form, as it traditionally happens. The influences of truncation interval h, the number of summation n and excitation current frequency f on magnetic field above conductive plate for the model accuracy are estimated. The comparison of the results obtained between theoretical calculation and the finite element method shows excellent agreement under certain conditions. An applicative example is presented to assess the proposed theory to different conductor problem using the eddy current field derived by the analytical solution. The analytical model can be beneficial for analysis, parametric studies and development of eddy current testing system.
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