Design and Implementation of a Quad Element Patch Antenna at 5.8 GHz


  • Mohammad R. Sobhani Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W3, Canada
  • Negar Majidi Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Çekmeköy 34794, Turkey
  • Şehabeddin T. Imeci Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo 71210, Bosnia and Herzegovina


2x2 Microstrip Patch Antenna, 5.8 GHz Antenna, Quad Microstrip Patch Antenna


This paper presents simulation and experimental verification of a quad microstrip patch antenna that operates at 5.8 GHz. Sonnet antenna design software was used to simulate the performance of the antenna. To reduce the design’s complexity and the computational load, the antenna and the feeding lines were simulated separately. An optimization was done for each subpart to get the optimum desired results. Finally, all the subparts were merged and the final structure was simulated to check the performance. A prototype of the antenna was fabricated on a double-sided PCB substrate (relative permittivity=10.2, thickness=1.28 mm) using a PCB milling machine. The S11 of -14 dB and -18.8 dB and maximum gain of 6.2 dB and 4.2 dB were obtained, from the simulation and experimental measurements, respectively.




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