An Empirical Formula for Resonant Frequency Shift due to Jerusalem-Cross FSS with Substrate on One Side
Empirical formula, Jerusalem-cross frequency selective surface, least-square curve fitting, shifted resonant frequencies摘要
An empirical formula for calculating the shifted resonant frequencies of Jerusalem-cross frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) with different substrates is derived based on extensive calculations made on widely varying in shifted dual resonant frequencies for substrates with different relative dielectric constants and thickness. The coefficients in the empirical formula were determined by using least-square curve fitting technique to fit 672 sets of shifted resonant frequencies obtained by the HFSS simulator. Numerical results of shifted resonant frequencies obtained from the empirical formula are generally in good agreement with those calculated by the HFSS simulator and measurement. The average error in the shifted resonant frequencies is less than 5 percent. The empirical formula thus provides a simple, inexpensive, and quick method for obtaining optimum geometrical parameters of a dual-band Jerusalem-cross FSS with a substrate consisting of different dielectric constants and thickness for arbitrarily specifying two resonant frequencies.
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