Analysis and Synthesis of Equilateral Triangular Ring Microstrip Antenna using Support Vector Machine
Analysis, microstrip antenna, synthesis, support vector machine, triangular ring microstrip antenna摘要
A support vector machine (SVM) based analysis and synthesis models are presented for the equilateral triangular ring microstrip antennas (ETRMAs) that operate at ultrahigh band applications. The analysis and synthesis of irregularly shaped microstrip antennas (MAs) require complex, lengthy and time consuming mathematical procedures and artificial intelligence techniques such as SVM eliminate great effort and time. In this paper, two models based on SVM are constructed for analysis and synthesis of ETRMAs. The number of 100 ETRMAs with various geometrical and electrical parameters (L, l, h and epsilon r) are simulated in terms of resonant frequency (fr) with the aid of an electromagnetic simulator program to obtain the data set. Two different SVM models are designed to obtain the resonant frequency and slot dimension of ETRMAs by using the simulation data set. The obtaining the resonant frequency and slot size are analysis and synthesis processes, respectively. The SVM models are trained with the simulated data set of 75 ETRMAs and tested with remainders 25 ETRMAs. A prototype of ETRMA is then fabricated to verify the proposed models in this paper. The testing results of the SVM are compared with the simulation/measurement results and the models are found to be successful. Antenna designers can use the proposed models quickly and simply in analysis and synthesis process of ETRMAs without the need for complex processes.
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