Radar Detection of Plasma-Covered Reentry Object Based on Crossed Two-Component LFM Signal
Crossed two-component LFM signal, plasma sheath, radar detection, reentry object摘要
A precise and efficient radar detection method based on crossed two-component LFM signal is proposed to deal with the detection problem of plasmacovered object. The method contains two segments: 1) design of transmitted signal, and 2) detection of object information (position and velocity) from the ambiguity function of the echo signal. For the first segment, the transmitted signal is designed to be a 2-component LFM signal with each component crossing with the other one in the time-frequency domain. The crossing design of the two components eliminates the disturbance term in solving the ambiguity function, guaranteeing the stability of detection. In the second segment, a mixed detection technique is proposed, which contains priorinformation- based component classification and optimal parameters solution, maintaining both the accuracy and efficiency in detection. By the proposed method, both the efficiency in computation and accuracy in detection are achieved. The simulation results illustrate the validity of the method.
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