Comparison of Three Body Models of Different Complexities in Modelling of Equal-Sized Dipole and Folded Dipole Wearable Passive UHF RFID Tags


  • Toni Björninen BioMediTech Institute and Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, 33720, Finland


Dipole, e-textile, folded dipole, human body model, RFID tag, wearable antenna


We compare the performance of equal-sized dipole and folded dipole wearable passive UHF RFID tags using three different body models for the torso of an adult male: cuboid and anatomical models with and without internal structures. The results show that all models estimate the antenna impedance matching appropriately, but only the anatomical models predict the full spatial coverage of the tags properly. We present a novel metrics for analysing the coverage in simulations and compare the simulated and measured tag read ranges to validate our modelling results.




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