Drastic-Variation Condition of Electric Field and Its Applications in Microwave Heating


  • Zhengming Tang China West Normal University, Nanchong, 637002, China
  • Sanmei Zhang China West Normal University, Nanchong, 637002, China
  • Tao Hong China West Normal University, Nanchong, 637002, China
  • Fangyuan Chen State Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environment China Aerospace and Science Technology Corporation, Shanghai, 200090, China
  • Kama Huang College of Electronics and Information Engineering Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, China


Drastic-variation condition, electric field, integral equation, microwave heating


Microwave heating usually leads to nonuniform temperatures due to the existence of drasticvariation of electric field. In this paper, a numerical method combined with integral equation and spectrum analysis is proposed to find its critical condition. Results show that the electric field is generally unstable, and a tiny shift in microwave frequency, permittivity of dielectric object or cavity geometrical parameters will produce a drastic variation in electric field distribution, moreover, the smallest shift of parameter can be obtained by the reverse search. FEM method is used to verify the conclusions. Finally, some supplements for the interest regarding practical applications are presented and analyzed.




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