Wide-Angle Claerbout Scheme for Three-Dimensional Time Domain Parabolic Equation and its CN, ADI, AGE Solutions
Electromagnetic scattering, time domain parabolic equation, wide angle摘要
The wide-angle Claerbout scheme of three-dimensional time domain parabolic equation (Claerbout-TDPE) is derived in this paper, which can provide accurate results at angles within 25° of the paraxial direction. At first, the Crank-Nicolson (CN) type is introduced to discretize the Claerbout-TDPE. In this way, a three-dimensional EM scattering problem can be divided into a series of two-dimensional ones. Moreover, the alternating direction implicit (ADI) type is utilized to the Claerbout-TDPE. In this way, a three-dimensional EM scattering problem can be further reduced to a series of one-dimensional ones. Furthermore, the alternating group explicit (AGE) type is introduced to the Claerbout- TDPE for higher computational efficiency. Comparisons are made among the CN, ADI and AGE types in the numerical results.
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