Polarization Insensitive Compact Chipless RFID Tag
Chipless tag, Radar Cross-Section (RCS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)摘要
This research article proposes a highly dense, inexpensive, flexible and compact 29 x 29 mm2 chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The tag has a 38-bit data capacity, which indicates that it has the ability to label 238 number of different objects. The proposed RFID tag has a bar-shape slot/resonator based structure, which is energized by dual-polarized electromagnetic (EM) waves. Thus, portraying polarization insensitive nature of the tag. The radar cross-section (RCS) response of the proposed tag design is analyzed using different substrates, i.e., Rogers RT/duroid®/5880, Taconic (TLX- 0), and Kapton®HN (DuPontTM). A comparative analysis is done, which reveal the changes observed in the RCS curve, as a result of using different substrates and radiators. Moreover, the effect on the RCS response of the tag is also examined, by bending the tag at different bent radii. The compactness and flexible nature of the tag makes it the best choice for Internet of things (IoT) based smart monitoring applications.
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