A Compact Fractal Monopole Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Wideband Communication
Defected ground structure, fractal geometry, monopole antenna, wideband communication摘要
A compact fractal monopole antenna with defected ground structure has been investigated in this paper. A wide bandwidth of 3.13 GHz (3.42 GHz to 6.55 GHz) has been obtained, which covers the IEEE 802.11 WLAN bands (5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz) and WiMAX bands (3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz). The dimension of the structure is 14.50 X 27.25 mm2 covering an area of only 395.125 mm2. The realized antenna gain is greater than or equal to 2 dBi at the frequencies of interest. The compactness of the proposed structure and the simplicity of design makes it easy to be fabricated and incorporated in devices suited for wireless communication purpose.
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