Ultra-Wideband Microstrip Antenna for Body Centric Communications
Body-centric wireless communication, miniaturized microstrip antenna, wireless body networks摘要
A novel low profile reconfigurable wide band microstrip antenna for impulse radio ultra-wideband (IRUWB) WBANs and targeted for on-body sensor node has been introduced. The printed monopole antenna consists of a heart shaped radiating patch and an elliptical ground plane. This antenna has a frequency bandwidth of 130% with a VSWR of 1.5 and average gain is about 3.6 dBi. There is a slot on the patch which is loaded by two varactor diodes to form a tunable notch band. The antenna operates from 2.4 GHz to 12 GHz. The proposed antenna is a good candidate for medical purpose since it has a sufficient amount of gain and bandwidth. We used active circuit to increase the flexibility of setting rejection band to prevent having interference from other sources such as Wi-Fi. The antenna is fabricated and there is a good agreement between the simulation and measurement results.
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