A Subwavelength Perfect Absorbing Metamaterial Patch Array Coupled with a Molecular Resonance


  • Michael F. Finch Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Florida Institute of Technology, 150 West University Blvd., Melbourne, FL, 32901, USA
  • Brian A. Lail Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Florida Institute of Technology, 150 West University Blvd., Melbourne, FL, 32901, USA


Electromagnetic Induced Absorption (EIA), Electromagnetic Induced Transparency (EIT), metamaterial, perfect absorbing, PMMA, resonant coupling, superscattering


A perfectly absorbing metamaterial (PAMM) coupled with vibrational modes has varied applications ranging from surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy to biological sensing. This endeavor considers a subwavelength PAMM sensor design and analysis using a commercially available finite element method (FEM) solver and analytically with temporal coupled mode theory (TCMT). A carbon double oxygen bond (C=O) at 52 THz or 1733 cm-1 that resides in poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, will be used as a stand-in analyte. Normal mode splitting that results from the resonant coupling between the PAMM and analyte’s molecular resonance is investigated and analyzed.




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