Design of Parabolic Reflector Antenna with Two Directional Cosecant- Squared Pattern Using Curve-Deformation Equations


  • Ki-Bok Kong Kukdong Telecom 78-43 Beagilheon-Ro, Bujeok-Myun, Nonsan-City, Chungnam, 320-862 Republic of Korea


Cosecant squared pattern, parabolic antenna


A Ka-band doubly curved reflector antenna for a warning radar system for the road was designed based on the curve-deformation equations. This antenna requires a cosecant-squared radiation pattern in the vertical and horizontal planes. Using curve-deformation equations, the shaped reflector antenna was designed to satisfy the desired beam pattern. The curve-deformation equations include the parameters which determine the shape of the curve, and these parameters are obtained by the optimization process. The simulated result shows the designed antenna satisfies the specifications of the antenna for the road radar system.




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