Electromagnetic Coupling Analysis of Transient Excitations of Rectangular Cavity through Slot using TD-EFIE with Laguerre Polynomials as Temporal Basis Functions


  • D. Omri Syscom Laboratory National Engineering School of Tunis, BP 37, Belvédère, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia
  • T. Aguili Syscom Laboratory National Engineering School of Tunis, BP 37, Belvédère, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia


Coupling effect, equivalence principle, Laguerre functions, MoM, piecewise triangular functions, slot, TD-EFIE, transient electric and magnetic currents


This paper presents an electromagnetic coupling analysis of transient waves excited a rectangular cavity containing an interior scatterer coupled to an external scatterer through a slot. Based on the equivalence principle, time domain integral equations are established by enforcing the boundary conditions on the internal and external scatterers, the slot and the cavity walls. The method of moments is applied in space and time domains to solve the developed system of integral equations. The unknown coefficients of the electric and magnetic currents are approximated by the triangular piecewise functions associated with Dirac function as space basis. To obtain accurate and stable solutions, the Laguerre functions are used as temporal basis. Numerical results involving the coupling effects between the cavity components are investigated. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement with EM theory and literature.




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