Explicit dynamics “SPH – Finite Element” coupling using the Arlequin method

Simulation of projectile’s impacts on concrete slabs


  • Yann Chuzel-Marmot LAboratoire de Mécanique des COntacts et des Structures INSA de Lyon UMR/CNRS 5259, Bât. Jean d’Alembert 18-20 rue des sciences, F-69621Villeurbanne cedex
  • Alain Combescure LAboratoire de Mécanique des COntacts et des Structures INSA de Lyon UMR/CNRS 5259, Bât. Jean d’Alembert 18-20 rue des sciences, F-69621Villeurbanne cedex
  • Roland Ortiz Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales Centre de Lille 5 boulevard Paul Painlevé, F-59000 Lille cedex




Arlequin method, coupling, meshless, Sph, explicit dynamics, projectile impact, concrete, Mazars


The Arlequin method gives a simple and effective framework to glue models using various formulations. It is extended here in explicit dynamics and used in order to link a zone showing ruptures by fragmentation meshed with Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH) and a larger second undamaged one meshed with finite elements (FEM). This paper gives some details on the method implemented in the EUROPLEXUS code, its validation on simple benchmarks and a confrontation between numerical simulations and results of an experimental study of concrete slab resistance to projectile impacts.


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How to Cite

Chuzel-Marmot, Y. ., Combescure, A. ., & Ortiz, R. . (2008). Explicit dynamics “SPH – Finite Element” coupling using the Arlequin method: Simulation of projectile’s impacts on concrete slabs. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17(5-7), 737–748. https://doi.org/10.13052/REMN.17.737-748



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