Algorithmes hybrides pour l’optimisation globale

Application en forgeage


  • Abderrahmane Habbal Lab. Mathématiques Université de Nice - Sophia-Antipolis Parc Valrose, F-06108 Nice cedex
  • Lionel Fourment CEMEF, Ecole des Mines de Paris BP 207, F-06904 Sophia-Antipolis cedex
  • Tien Tho Do CEMEF, Ecole des Mines de Paris BP 207, F-06904 Sophia-Antipolis cedex



genetic algorithm, evolution strategy, clustering, Lisza-Orkisz, forging process, shape optimization, adjoint method


We introduce two evolutionnary hybrid optimizers, based on surrogate models which use a limited prescribed number of exact evaluations of the criterion and its gradient. The first algorithm uses a discontinuous ansatz with a clustering technique. The second one uses a Liszka-Orkisz interpolation scheme, and keeps memory of the exactly evaluated individuals of previous generations. These two methods are applied to a 3D forging shape optimization problem. The considered objective combines the total energy cost and a defect criterion. We present numerical results which illustrate the efficiency of the developped algorithms.


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How to Cite

Habbal, A. ., Fourment, L. ., & Do, T. T. (2008). Algorithmes hybrides pour l’optimisation globale: Application en forgeage. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17(3), 303–322.



Original Article