Simulation numérique de la propagation de fissure dans les superalliages monocristallins

Simulation numérique de la propagation de fissure dans les monocristaux


  • Jean-Luc Bouvard DMSE/LCME ONERA 29 av. de la div. Leclerc F-92322 Châtillon cedex
  • Jean-Louis Chaboche DMSE/LCME ONERA 29 av. de la div. Leclerc F-92322 Châtillon cedex
  • Frédéric Feyel DMSE/LCME ONERA 29 av. de la div. Leclerc F-92322 Châtillon cedex
  • Franck Gallerneau DMSE/LCME ONERA 29 av. de la div. Leclerc F-92322 Châtillon cedex



finite element method, cohesive zone elements, crack growth, fatigue


In this study, a numerical method is developped to simulate fatigue crack growth. This method is based on a numerical coupled analysis using a cohesive zone modelling under cyclic loading in order to develop a coupled predictive approach of the crack growth. First, we present this damage law, then its validation by a convergence study of the solution with mesh size. We apply this model to the crack growth calculations in the case of a smooth specimen with a precracking made with a single crystal superalloy. Finally, we define the method to calibrate the cohesive zone model parameters on the base of experimental tests performed in pur fatigue regime.


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How to Cite

Bouvard, J.-L. ., Chaboche, J.-L. ., Feyel, F., & Gallerneau, F. . (2007). Simulation numérique de la propagation de fissure dans les superalliages monocristallins: Simulation numérique de la propagation de fissure dans les monocristaux. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 16(6-7), 845–863.



Original Article