Multi-scale non-linear FE2 analysis of composite structures: damage and fiber size effects


  • Frédéric Feyel ONERA, DMSE-LCME 29, Avenue de la Division Leclerc- BP 72 F-92322 Châtillon Cedex
  • Jean-Louis Chaboche ONERA, DMSE-LCME 29, Avenue de la Division Leclerc- BP 72 F-92322 Châtillon Cedex


multiscale analysis, viscoplasticity, damage mechanics, metal matrix composites


An imbricated fini te element technique is further developed in the context of multiscale ine/astic analysis of composite structures. The constitutive equations in the classical ove rail inelastic analysis are replaced by a lower leve/ fini te element analysis within the periodic homogenisation framework. Ali the physics of the problem, included in the local elastoviscoplastic and damage equations, is written for constituents at the microscale. Contrarily ta more classical approaches, the two sca/es are coupled, the local behaviour being integrated in-situ and in real time. This method is illustrated, for viscoplasticity in the matrix and damage at the fibre/mat rix interface, by the treatment of a particular bling dise made of titanium alloy and containing a reinforced composite part made in SiC/Ti. A specifie relocalisation technique for FE2 is then proposed for situations where the microstructure is composed of "coarse grains" (he re fibres of a significant size). The method uses an interpolated mapping technique, that allows ta obtain very correct and continuous strain and stress fields at the lower leve/ of the whole composite part.


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How to Cite

Feyel, F. ., & Chaboche, J.-L. . (2001). Multi-scale non-linear FE2 analysis of composite structures: damage and fiber size effects. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(2-4), 449–472. Retrieved from



Original Article