Post-flambage unilatéral des films minces sur substrat

Transitions entre équilibres


  • Guillaume Parry LMP (CNRS – UMR 6630), BP 30179, F-86962 Futuroscope cedex
  • Jérôme Colin LMP (CNRS – UMR 6630), BP 30179, F-86962 Futuroscope cedex
  • Christophe Coupeau LMP (CNRS – UMR 6630), BP 30179, F-86962 Futuroscope cedex
  • Alain Cimetière LMP (CNRS – UMR 6630), BP 30179, F-86962 Futuroscope cedex



unilateral buckling, thin films, finite element analysis, stability, bubbles, postcritical analysis


Various buckling equilibria can be observed on the delaminated areas of thin films. These equilibria are usually under advanced post-buckling. Results of the finite element analysis for the post-buckling equilibria of a thin film delaminated along a rectangular strip are discussed in this paper. Those results are compared with experimental observations performed with the help of an in-situ atomic force microscope coupled to a compression device which allows to vary the biaxial stress state in the film. The transitions from straightsided blisters to bubbles or telephone cord blisters are characterized. Both sub-critical and super-critical transitions are highlighted. A mapping of the various stable post-critical equilibria is given.


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How to Cite

Parry, G. ., Colin, J., Coupeau, C. ., & Cimetière, A. . (2007). Post-flambage unilatéral des films minces sur substrat: Transitions entre équilibres. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 16(6-7), 941–955.



Original Article