Assessment of the FE model mesh influence on the mechanical properties identified for cranial bone

Experimental and numerical investigations


  • Barbara Autuori Biomechanics and Human Modelling Laboratory – LRE_T 32, INRETS-UCBL Case 24, 25, Avenue Francois Mitterrand, F-69675 Bron cedex and Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer Science – C.N.R.S. UMR 8530 Le Mont Houy, F-59313 Valenciennes
  • Christophe Delille Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer Science – C.N.R.S. UMR 8530 Le Mont Houy, F-59313 Valenciennes and Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics – INRETS-UMRT24 Boulevard P. Dramard, F-13916 Marseille cedex 20
  • Rémi Delille Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer Science – C.N.R.S. UMR 8530 Le Mont Houy, F-59313 Valenciennes
  • Karine Bruyère Biomechanics and Human Modelling Laboratory – LRE_T 32, INRETS-UCBL Case 24, 25, Avenue Francois Mitterrand, F-69675 Bron cedex
  • Catherine Masson Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics – INRETS-UMRT24 Boulevard P. Dramard, F-13916 Marseille cedex 20
  • Pascal Drazetic Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer Science – C.N.R.S. UMR 8530 Le Mont Houy, F-59313 Valenciennes


finite elements, cranial bone, bending tests, mechanical properties, identification


The present study was undertaken to assess the influence of two FE modelling strategies on the identified mechanical properties of cranial bone samples. Two experimental databases were reproduced numerically using the two mesh types. Experimental tests were four-point and cantilever beam bending loadings carried out on fresh as well as embalmed cranial bone samples. Then, the elasto-plastic properties of four bone samples were identified: Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and yield stress were determined independently using a dichotomy method. Identification results were highly influenced by element type, geometry reconstruction and loading type.


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du crâne)”, Orthod. Fr., vol. 57, n° 2, 1986, p. 729-739.

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de la face », Revue de Stomatol.Chir. Maxillofac., vol. 91, n° 1, 1990, p. 1-8.

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véhicules à moteur en cas de collision frontale et modifiant la directive 70/156/CEE. JO

n° L 018 du 21/01/1997, p. 007-005.

King A. I., Kang K. H., Zhang L., Hardy W., “Is head injury caused by linear or angular

acceleration ?”, IRCOBI Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, sept. 2003, p. 1-12.

Kleiven S., Von Holst H., “Consequences of head size following trauma to the human head”,

J. of Biomech., vol. 35, n° 2, 2002, p. 153-160.

Laumon B., Recherches coordonnées sur les traumatismes consécutifs à un accident de la

circulation routière, et sur leurs causes et conséquences, Rapport n° 0206, 2 tomes, 2002,

Lyon, INRETS, 292 p. et 129 p.

McElhaney J. H., Fogle J. L., Melvin J. W., Haynes R. R., Roberts V. L., Alem N. M.,

“Mechanical properties of cranial bone”, J. of Biomech., vol. 3, 1970, p. 495-511.

Newman J., Beusenberg M., Fournier E., Shewchenko N., Withnall C., King A., Yang K.,

Zhang L., McElhaney J., Thibault L., McGinnis G., “A new biomechanical assessment of

mild traumatic brain injury. Part I : Methodology”, IRCOBI Conference, Sitges, Espagne,

, p. 17-36.




How to Cite

Autuori, B. ., Delille, C. ., Delille, R. ., Bruyère, K. ., Masson, C. ., & Drazetic, P. . (2005). Assessment of the FE model mesh influence on the mechanical properties identified for cranial bone: Experimental and numerical investigations. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 14(4-5), 379–395. Retrieved from



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