Vecteur de rotation incr´emental pour les coques non lin´eaires en grandes rotations
Nonlinear shell in large rotations, Incremental rotation vecteur, Symetric stiffness matrixAbstract
We propose in this work an incremental rotation vector for three-dimensionnal nonlinear shells with large rotations, we use the geometrically nonlinear shell theory. The major advantage in this description, without problem in finite rotations and with update procedure of incremental rotation in accord to principals numericals programs, is to provide a symetric tangent stiffness matrix leading to quadratic convergence of the incremental solution. Two approaches spatial or material, are illustrated. The finite element matrix with incompatible modes will be done in addition of operator split resolution method. The examples includ not only analyses of simple shell undergoing large rotation, but also cases of post-buckling displacements. We evaluate the results in comparison with total rotation vection method and 5 degree-of-freedom incremental vector.
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