Modélisation de la rupture et de la reformation des films lubrifiants dans les contacts élastohydrodynamiques


  • Dominique Bonneau Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides – UMR CNRS 6610 4, Avenue de Varsovie F-16021 Angoulême
  • Mohamed Hajjam Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides – UMR CNRS 6610 4, Avenue de Varsovie F-16021 Angoulême


Reynolds equation, finite element, elastohydrodynamic lubrication, cavitation, bearing, connecting rod


The presented algorithm allows accurate analysis of film breakdown and reforming during the working of actual devices. This algorithm includes ElastHydroDynamic formulation and is based on the JFO model and Finite Element discretization . It has been validated through a comparison with recent published studies. Active and non active film zones are determined for non stationary working conditions. Presented results finely show the shape of rupture boundaries. A sample of plots demonstrates the efficiency of the algorithms for solving the complex problem of big end connecting rod bearing EHD lubrication. The analysis of thickness, pressure and filling rate fields allows the optimisation of each bearing element size as well as the lubricant feeding device good working.


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How to Cite

Bonneau, D. ., & Hajjam, M. . (2001). Modélisation de la rupture et de la reformation des films lubrifiants dans les contacts élastohydrodynamiques. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(6-7), 679–704. Retrieved from



Original Article