Numerical analysis of failure in sheet metal forming with experimental validation


  • Michel Brunet Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides /.N.S.A,. 20 Avenue A. Einstein Villeurbanne, F-69621
  • Fabrice Morestin Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides /.N.S.A,. 20 Avenue A. Einstein Villeurbanne, F-69621
  • Hélène Walter Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides /.N.S.A,. 20 Avenue A. Einstein Villeurbanne, F-69621


damage and coalescence models, sheet metal-forming, simulation of failure, necking


As fracture in metal forming is maint y due to the development of ductile damage and in arder to represent the damage of anisotropie sheet-metals, an extension of the Gurson madel is presented and implemented in the context of plane-stress state for shell elements. With the damage madel, a failure criterion has to be used to signify the void coalescence but it is questionable whether the critical void volume fraction is a material constant. The void coalescence failure mechanism by internai necking is cons ide red by using the Thomason 's plastic limit-load model. The paper closes with a numerical and experimental study of the failure of rectangular strips of a titanium alloy in severa/ Nakazima's experiments conducted by the authors. The potential advantage of using the Gurson mode[ with the Thomas on' s void coalescence mode[ is discussed in the framework of sheet metal forming simulation.


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How to Cite

Brunet, M. ., Morestin, F. ., & Walter, H. . (2001). Numerical analysis of failure in sheet metal forming with experimental validation. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(2-4), 275–293. Retrieved from



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