Formulation dynamique d'un modèle de zone cohésive tridimensionnel couplant endommagement et frottement
Dynamical formulation, 3D, cohesive zone model, damage, friction, contact, finite elementsAbstract
We propose in this paper a dynamical formulation of a three-dimensional cohesive zone mode[, coupling surfacic damage, Coulomb friction and unilateral contact. This mode[ is devoted to the fracture of solids and to the debonding of interfaces. The mode[ of RaousCangémi- Cocu [RAO 99] is given and the formulation of the dynamical problem is written. We focus our attention on the jumps of solution, which could appear with such softening surfacic models. A dynamical formulation allows to overcome the se problems of nonsmooth solutions. A particular mathematical and numerical framework is used to solve dynamical problems submitted to unilateral constraints. The ability of the associated numerical tool is underlined on a buckling-driven fracture of a square plate.
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