Methode des elements de frontiere appliquee a l'electrodeposition


  • Frederic Druesne Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques (CETIM) -Sen/is
  • Pascal Paumele Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques (CETIM) -Sen/is
  • Pierre Villon Universite de Technologie de Compiegne (UTC)


Electrochemical plating, deposits, polarisation laws, boundary element method


Electrochemical plating simulation is controlled by the Laplace equation (describing the migration of ions in solution) and boundary conditions: current density equal to zero on insulating part of the boundary, experimental laws of polarisation (non linearity) on anode and cathode areas of the boundary (diffUsion and kinetic phenomena). The boundary element method coupled with a Newton-Raphson iterative technique of resolution (to treat the non linearity of boundary conditions) is used. Potentials and current densities, and thus deposits, are calculated at the boundary of the domain. Many industrial cells have been modelled, among them a typical zinc electroplating cell for the treatment of a pulley, and a chromium electroplating cell for the treatment of valves.


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How to Cite

Druesne, F. ., Paumele, P. ., & Villon, P. . (1999). Methode des elements de frontiere appliquee a l’electrodeposition. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(1), 31–46. Retrieved from



Original Article