Nouvel element secteur base sur le modele de deformation avec rotation dans le plan


  • Mohamed Tabar Belarbi lnstitut de Genie Civil Centre Universitaire de Biskra BP 145 07000 Algerie
  • Abdelhamid Charif Departement de Genie Civil Universite de Batna 05000 Algerie


sector element, rotational degree of freedom, assumed strain model, membrane, plane elasticity


Elements, as beams and membranes, could be used in finite element modelling of complex structural systems such as buried drain pipes or tunnels. These elements of different kind, based on classical formulations, generally do not share the same nodal degrees of freedom, which complicates construction of a compatible model. To solve this modelling problem, we propose to develop a new sector membrane element based on the assumed strain model with three degrees of freedom at each node including inplane rotation as an additional degree of freedom. This helps enormously to solve easily, general plane elasticity problems having a circular contour.


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How to Cite

Belarbi, M. T. ., & Charif, A. (1998). Nouvel element secteur base sur le modele de deformation avec rotation dans le plan. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 7(4), 439–458. Retrieved from



Original Article