Modelisation par equations integrales du frottement sur un demi-espace elasto-plastique
elastoplasticity, integral equations, contact, steady-state Loading, implicit schemeAbstract
This paper deals with a regularised integral equation formulation for contact problems on elastic-plastic bodies, under tire plane strain assumption. The formulation has been implemented for indentation and rolling/sliding contact problems on isotropic homogeneous half-planes. It constitutes a natural extension to non-linear problems of the classical analytical methods developed for linear elastic contact mechanics. Two versions of an implicit elastic-plastic constitutive integration algorithm, dealing with loads respectively fixed or moving at constant velocity, have been implemented in this integral equation framework. The steady-state version can be applied to multiple rolling/sliding Loads and to the detennination of the stabilised elastic-plastic state. Several numerical examples illustrate the various aspects of our fonnulation: fued or moving load, contact pressure known a priori or iteratively computed, numerical classification of the stabilised elastic-plastic states reached as a function of the Load and friction coefficient.
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