An adaptive algorithm for cohesive zone model and arbitrary crack propagation
cohesive zone model, mixed mode crack propagation, remeshing; field transferAbstract
This paper presents an approach to the numerical simulation of crack propagation with cohesive models for the case of structures subjected to mixed mode loadings. The evolution of the crack path is followed by using an adaptive method: with the help of a macroscopic branching criterion based on the calculation of an energetic integral, the evolving crack path is remeshed as the crack evolves in the simulation. Special attention is paid to the unknown fields transfer approach that is crucial for the success of the computational treatment. This approach has been implemented in the finite element code Z-Set (jointly developed by Onera and Ecole des Mines) and is tested on two examples, one featuring a straight crack path and the other involving a complex crack propagation under critical monotonous loading.
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