Etude du frottement pour des problemes de contact en grandes deformations


  • Olivier Chertier Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique CNRS 31, Chemin Joseph-Aiguier F-13402 Marseille cedex 20
  • Patrick Chabrand Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique CNRS 31, Chemin Joseph-Aiguier F-13402 Marseille cedex 20


unilateral contact, Coulomb friction, large defonnations, large displacements, displacements,multibody frictional contact, finite elements, mathematical programming, the Lemke method


In the context of metal formin g, we present the modelling of multibody frictional contact problems in a non-linear kinematic frame. Non-linearities arise from the large displacements, the finite defonnations and from material behaviour (pla sticity). The contact problem is set as a linear complementarity problem solved by the Lemke method. The extension of the Lemke method to the multibody contact problem is given. These models are used to solve tWo tribological problems . . Tire first one deals with the characterisation of friction as shearing off of two microscopic surfacic asperities. The second example concerns the modelling of a classical test. We analyse the influence of a variable friction coefficient depending on local contact conditions on the restraining forces.



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How to Cite

Chertier, O. ., & Chabrand, P. . (1998). Etude du frottement pour des problemes de contact en grandes deformations. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 7(1-3), 163–176. Retrieved from



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