Un probleme d'identification de parametre associe aux equations de Saint-Venant


  • Mekki ldrissi Ecole de technologie superieure Departement de genie mecanique Universite du Quebec 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest Montreal H3C 1 K3, Canada
  • Azzeddine Soulaimani Ecole de technologie superieure Departement de genie mecanique Universite du Quebec 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest Montreal H3C 1 K3, Canada


free suiface flows, finite element method, friction coefficient identification, optimal control


This work presents a numerical method to automatically identify the friction coefficient which governs natural free suiface flows. The mathematical formulation is based on the optimal control theory. A Lagrangian operator, which partial derivatives provide respectively the state equations, the adjoint equations and the optimality condition, is introduced. A finite element method is used for space discretization. Two solution algorithms are proposed and tested on some steady flows. The first one is very robust and converges for any initial distribution of the friction coefficient. The second one converges for realistic initial trials, uses less memory and could be well extended to unsteady flows.



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How to Cite

ldrissi, M. ., & Soulaimani, A. . (1997). Un probleme d’identification de parametre associe aux equations de Saint-Venant. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 6(4), 399–430. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/EJCM/article/view/3433



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