Mechanical inclusions identification by evolutionary computation


  • Marc Schoenauer CMAP - URA CNRS 756 Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau
  • Leila Kallel CMAP - URA CNRS 756 Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau
  • Fran~ois Jouve CMAP - URA CNRS 756 Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau


genetic algorithms, stochastic optimization, inverse problem, mechanical inclusions, linear elasticity


The problem of the identification of mechanical inclusion is theoritically ill-posed, and to-date numerical algorithms have demonstrated to be inaccurate and unstable. On the other hand, Evolutionary Algorithms provide a general approach to inverse problem solving. However, great care must be taken during the implementation : the choice of the representation, which determines the search space, is critical. Three representations are presented and discussed. Whereas the straightforward mesh-dependent representation suffers strong limitations, both mesh-independent representation provide outstanding results on simple instances of the identification problem, including experimental robustness in presence of noise.



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How to Cite

Schoenauer, M. ., Kallel, L. ., & Jouve, F. . (1996). Mechanical inclusions identification by evolutionary computation. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 5(5-6), 619–648. Retrieved from



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