Integration geometrie-maillage appliquee aux methodes numeriques


  • Jean-Christophe Cuilliere Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Laboratoire de Productique, Trois Rivieres, CP 500, Quebec G9A-5H7, Canada
  • Roland Maranzana Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Departement de genie de La production automatisee, 4750 Henri-Julien, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1 RO, Canada
  • Michel Gueury Universite de Nancy 1, Equipes de Recherche en interfaces Numeriques, ESSTJN, Pare Robert Benz, 54500 Vand(J!uvre, France


CAD/CAM, automatic mesh generation, three-dimensional, concurrent engineering


The work presented here takes place in the general evolution of CAD/CAM systems on the way to a better integration of all functions involved in the design and manufacturing process of mechanical parts (concurrent engineering). We are propounding here an approach of the automatic three-dimensional FE mesh generation problem featuring a pre-optimization based on the a priori evaluation of a dual geometric model (CSG-Exact BREP) in order to identify, directly and automatically, geometric singularities causing stress concentration. This appoach permits to integrate, in a better way, the analysis step in the whole CAD/CAM process in order to achieve the concurrent engineering concept.



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How to Cite

Cuilliere, J.-C. ., Maranzana, R., & Gueury, M. . (1996). Integration geometrie-maillage appliquee aux methodes numeriques. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 5(2), 143–160. Retrieved from



Original Article