Un nouvel element fini de coque axisymetrique semi-epaisse
axisymmetric shell, transverse shear, finite element, locking edge effectsAbstract
A new finite element is proposed to analyze axisymmetric semi-thick shells in elasticity and for small displacements. The element uses a new model for plates and shells due to Touratier [TOU 91-92 a-b]. All strains are non-linear in respect to the thickness coordinate. The element has three nodes and ten degrees of freedom, is of CJ continuity for the transverse displacement, and CO for the membrane displacemenJ and the shear rotation. Finally, an introduction to the edge effects for axisymmetric shells is presented. The study has shown some surprises concerning the hard clamped edge, in comparison with a twodimensional eight node isoparametric solid finite element model used in reference : the transverse shear stress is not maximum at the clamped edge.
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