Energy release rate and J integral for cracks propagating in nonhomogeneous media Part I - Problem formulation


  • Xiao-Zheng Suo Eurosim 6, avenue des Andes 91952 Les-Ulis cedex
  • Alain Combescure CEN Saclay/DMT/SEMTILAMS 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex


inactive mechanics, energy release rate, J integral, nonhomogenous median


In this paper the energy release rate (or the j integral) is calculated for cracks propagating in media with spatially varying material characteristics. Without any assumption on the direction of such a variation with respect to the crack axis at it was made in a similar approach [ ATK 75], an analytical expression for the energy release rate under genera/loading conditions is derived and put in a form suitable for numerical analysis of an arbitrary 3D crack configuration. For cracks in nonhomogeneous media, it is shown that the equivalent J integral should contain, in the 2D deformation field, an additional surface integral (volume integral in the 3D case) to keep its we/known independence property when computed with different integration paths.



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How to Cite

Suo, X.-Z. ., & Combescure, A. . (1993). Energy release rate and J integral for cracks propagating in nonhomogeneous media Part I - Problem formulation. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2(1), 75–93. Retrieved from



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