Typosquatting for Fun and Profit: Cross-Country Analysis of Pop-Up Scam





phishing, typosquatting, scam, web security


Today, many different types of scams can be found on the internet. Online criminals are always finding new creative ways to trick internet users, be it in the form of lottery scams, downloading scam apps for smartphones or fake gambling websites. This paper presents a large-scale study on one particular delivery method of online scam: pop-up scam on typosquatting domains. Typosquatting describes the concept of registering domains which are very similar to existing ones while deliberately containing common typing errors; these domains are then used to trick online users while under the belief of browsing the intended website. Pop-up scam uses JavaScript alert boxes to present a message which attracts the user’s attention very effectively, as they are a blocking user interface element.

Our study among typosquatting domains derived from the Majestic Million list utilising an Austrian IP address revealed on 1219 distinct typosquatting URLs a total of 2577 pop-up messages, out of which 1538 were malicious. Approximately a third of those distinct URLs (403) were targeted and displayed pop-up messages to one specific HTTP user agent only. Based on our scans, we present an in-depth analysis as well as a detailed classification of different targeting parameters (user agent and language) which triggered varying kinds of pop-up scams. Furthermore, we expound the differences of current pop-up scam characteristics in comparison with a previous scan performed in late 2018 and examine the use of IDN homograph attacks as well as the application of message localisation using additional scans with IP addresses from the United States and Japan.


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Author Biographies

Tobias Dam, Institute of IT Security Research, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria


Tobias Dam received a master’s degree in Information Security from the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. He is currently working as an information security researcher at the Institute of IT Security Research, who specialises in privacy, network and web security. He was the lead software & security engineer for the usable privacy project "upribox" as well as a developer of “MiningHunter”, a framework for analysing cryptojacking.

Lukas Daniel Klausner, Institute of IT Security Research, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria


Lukas Daniel Klausner is a mathematician and computer scientist working in security, privacy, data science and science and technology studies at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. He graduated sub auspiciis from TU Wien with a doctoral degree in mathematics. His current interests include critical algorithm studies, ethics and biases in algorithms, mathematical foundations of machine learning and the intersection of STEM and HASS.

Sebastian Schrittwieser, Josef Ressel Center TARGET, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria


Sebastian Schrittwieser was awarded his doctorate at TU Wien in 2014. His dissertation revolved around the topic of code analysis and obfuscation. Since 2015, Sebastian heads the Josef Ressel Center for Unified Threat Intelligence on Targeted Attacks, which explores novel techniques for detecting and mitigating targeted attacks on IT infrastructures. He is a full-time permanent professor (FH) and scientific head of the Institute of IT Security Research at St. Pölten UAS. His main research interests are static code analysis, code obfuscation, malware detection, and digital forensics.


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How to Cite

Dam T, Klausner LD, Schrittwieser S. Typosquatting for Fun and Profit: Cross-Country Analysis of Pop-Up Scam. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(2):265-300. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/1209



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