Railway Defender Kill Chain to Predict and Detect Cyber-Attacks


  • Ravdeep Kour Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden
  • Adithya Thaduri Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden
  • Ramin Karim Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden




Cybersecurity, cyber kill chain, railway, cyber-attack, OSACBM, predict.


Most organizations focus on intrusion prevention technologies, with less emphasis on prediction and detection. This research looks at prediction and detection in the railway industry. It uses an extended cyber kill chain (CKC) model and an industrial control system (ICS) cyber kill chain for detection and proposes predictive technologies that will help railway organizations predict and recover from cyber-attacks. The extended CKC model consists of both internal and external cyber kill chain; breaking the chain at an early stage will help the defender stop the adversary’s malicious actions. This research incorporates an OSA (open system architecture) for railways with the railway cybersecurity OSA-CBM (open system architecture for condition-based maintenance) architecture. The railway cybersecurity OSACBM architecture consists of eight layers; cybersecurity information moves from the initial level of data acquisition to data processing, data analysis, incident detection, incident assessment, incident prognostics, decision support, and visualization. The main objective of the research is to predict, prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks early in the CKC by using defensive controls called the Railway Defender Kill Chain (RDKC). The contributions of the research are as follows. First, it adapts and modifies the railway cybersecurity OSA-CBM architecture for railways. Second, it adapts the cyber kill chain model for the railway. Third, it introduces the Railway Defender Kill Chain. Fourth, it presents examples of cyber-attack scenarios in the railway system.


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Author Biographies

Ravdeep Kour, Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden

Ravdeep Kour is a Ph.D. student in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. She received Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from Jammu University of India and Punjab University of India, in 2004 and 2012 respectively. She worked as Assistant Professor in India from 2004 to 2012 and worked in Luleå Technical University, Lulea, Sweden as Research Engineer from 2012 to 2014. She worked on European Union and Swedish Railway Projects. Her total academic and research work experience is 15 years. Her research interests are machine learning, cybersecurity in the context of IT and OT technologies, security risk assessment, cloud computing, and big data analytics.

Adithya Thaduri, Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden

Adithya Thaduri is working as Associate Senior Lecturer in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. He has experience in coordination of four European projects (IN2RAIL, INFRALERT, IN2SMART and FR8RAIL) and three national projects (InfraSweden, Mindi and SKF) in the area of Railways and have worked in collaboration in other seven projects. He recently got funding for one European project for Railways (IN2SMART2) and two national projects; one from Vinnova to Railway and other from Coal India Limited to Mining. He is part of over 35 deliverables/reports within above mentioned projects. He has over 40 research publications (28 after PhD) in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He has been teaching Maintenance Engineering course for master’s programme for two years. His areas of research are machine learning and context-aware maintenance decision making within the framework of Maintenance 4.0 in Railways, asset maintenance analytics, prognostics and degradation modelling of railway infrastructure, reliability predictions, maintenance planning and optimization, RAMS, LCC and Risk assessment, predictive analytics of mining machines, and cybersecurity.

Ramin Karim, Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology 97187 Luleå , Sweden

Ramin Karim is PhD in the area of Operation and Maintenance Engineering with focus on eMaintenance and Industrial AI. Ramin has over 20 years of industry experiences in computer science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with roles as software developer, systems architect, project manager, multi-project leader, process owner, product manager, responsible for standardization, model developer, and technology business developer. Ramin has over 60 publications in several research areas related to eMaintenance. Ramin is head of the eMaintenance Research Team, focusing on Industrial AI for Operation and Maintenance. He is also founder of a spin-off company from Luleå University of Technology, which develops analytics solutions based on Industrial AI and eMaintenance.


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How to Cite

Kour R, Thaduri A, Karim R. Railway Defender Kill Chain to Predict and Detect Cyber-Attacks. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(1):47-90. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/1271


