AI-enhanced Defense Against Ransomware Within the Organization’s Architecture


  • B. N. Chaithanya CSE, GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India
  • S. H. Brahmananda CSE, GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India



Ransomware detection, Ransomware prediction, Data analysis, Natural Language Processing, deep learning, LSTM


Ransomware is a type of revenue-generating tactic that cybercriminals utilize to improve their income. Businesses have spent billions of dollars recovering control of their resources, which may include confidential data, operational applications and models, financial transactions, and other information, as a result of malicious software. Ransomware can infiltrate a resource or device and restrict the owner from accessing or utilizing it. There are various obstacles that a business must overcome in order to avoid ransomware attacks. Traditional ransomware detection systems employ a static detection method in which a finite dataset is provided into the system and a logical check is performed to prevent ransomware attacks against the system. This was effective in the early stages of the internet, but the scenario of recent times is far more advanced, and as more and more cyber world contrivances have been analyzed, multiple gaps have been identified, to the benefit of ransomware attackers, who use these gaps to generate astronomically large sums of money. As a result, the suggested methodology aims to efficiently detect diverse patterns associated with various file formats by starting with their sources, data collecting, probabilistic identification of target devices, and deep learning classifier with intelligent detection. An organization can use the recommended approach to safeguard its data and prepare for future ransomware attacks by using it as a roadmap to lead them through their security efforts.


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Author Biographies

B. N. Chaithanya, CSE, GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India

B. N. Chaithanya received the bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Visesvaraya technological University in 2008, the master’s degree in computer networks from Visesvaraya technological in 2014 and pursuing PhD in Computer Science Engineering from GITAM University, respectively. Currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore. Areas of Interest are Network Security, Threat intelligence, Robotic process Automation and Cyber Security. Published papers in the those specified areas.

S. H. Brahmananda, CSE, GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India

S. H. Brahmananda received the bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Sri Siddhartha Institute of technology, VTU University in 1995, the master’s degree in computer engineering from NITK, Suratkal in 2004, and the philosophy of doctorate degree in Computer Science Engineering from Dr MGR University in 2013, respectively. He is currently working as an Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering, GITAM University. His research areas include Cyber Security, deep learning, Threat intelligence and social network analysis. He has been serving as a reviewer for many highly respected journals.


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How to Cite

Chaithanya BN, Brahmananda SH. AI-enhanced Defense Against Ransomware Within the Organization’s Architecture. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];11(04):621-54. Available from:



AI and Machine Learning for intelligent Cybersecurity solutions