Optimization of LEACH Protocol for WSNs in Terms of Energy Efficient and Network Lifetime


  • Fadhil Mohammed Salman Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq
  • Ahssan Ahmed Mohammed Lehmoud Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq
  • Ahmed Fakhir Mutar 1)Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq 2) Department of Computer Technology Engineering, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq




WSNs, LEACH, clustering, TDMA, MATLAB


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a group of small, intelligent sensors with limited resources. WSN has limited energy restrictions, so, the network lifetime is the major challenge that directly affect the efficiency of the network. This work presents an energy-saving clustering hierarchical algorithm for WSNs; it is an improvement of Low-Energy adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) algorithm. The aim of this algorithm is to minimize power consumption by the appropriate election of new cluster heads in every data transfer round and avoid network collisions. This goal achieved by using an efficient function to select the best cluster heads nodes in each round, which takes into account the current energy in the sensors. The proposed algorithm improves the cluster formation process by relying on the shorter distance to the base station. The Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) mechanism also utilized to schedule the transmission of data packets to cluster heads nodes and to avoid data packet collisions at the base station. Experiments conducted in MATLAB R (2020a) software showed that the suggested algorithm extended the network lifetime by 14.5%, and improved the network throughput by 16.8% compared to the LEACH algorithm. That means, the proposed energy-saving clustering hierarchy algorithm has improved the performance of the LEACH algorithm in term of enhancing network lifetime and increasing network throughput.


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Author Biographies

Fadhil Mohammed Salman, Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq

Fadhil Mohammed Salman received his BS in computer science from Unvirsty of Anbar in Iraq 2005. From 2010 to 2012, he completed his master’s study in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science University of Babylon, Iraq. He received the PhD thesis in information technology from the Department of Software College of Information Technology University of Babylon, Iraq, in 2019. He is lecturer in the Babylon Education Directorate since 2007 till now. His research interests include the computer network, Network security, Data compression, Image processing, and Data mining.

Ahssan Ahmed Mohammed Lehmoud, Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq

Ahssan Ahmmed Mohammed Lehmoud received his BS in computer science from Unvirsty of Babylon in Iraq 2006. From 2009 to 2011, he completed his master’s study in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at Dr. BabaSahib Ambedkar Marthwada University, India. He received the PhD thesis in information technology from the Department of Software College of Information Technology University of Babylon, Iraq, in Abril 2018. He is lecturer in the Babylon Education Directorate since 2008 till now. His research interests include the information security, Network security, Cryptography, Steganography, Image processing, and Data mining.

Ahmed Fakhir Mutar, 1)Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq 2) Department of Computer Technology Engineering, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq

Ahmed Fakhir Mutar received his BS and MSc in computer science from University of Babylon in Iraq in 2008 and MSc in computer science in Mustansiriyah University in Iraq in 2018, respectively. From 2018 to 2022, he worked as a lecturer in Department of Computer Technology Engineering in the AL- Mustaqbal College of Babylon. In February 2019, he started working as a lecturer in the Babylon Education Directorate Since 2009, in addition to participating in the administrative and scientific committees. His research interest includes Information security and image processing, Computer Network.


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How to Cite

Salman FM, Lehmoud AAM, Mutar AF. Optimization of LEACH Protocol for WSNs in Terms of Energy Efficient and Network Lifetime. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2023 May 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];12(03):275-96. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/18603



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