Analysis of Security Access Control Systems in Fog Computing Environment


  • Junlin Zhang School of Information Technology, Guangdong Technology College, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, 526100, China



Fog computing, Cuckoo filter, Secure access, Control technology, Structure hiding


Fog computing is a computing environment that can respond to user operational needs in real time. Aiming at the shortcomings of user privacy protection performance and structural performance, a method of completely hiding access structures is proposed under the framework of cloud and mist computing. The cuckoo filter is applied to the fog computing environment, and users are detected through fog nodes. If an attribute is detected to exist in the fully hidden access structure, the mapping function between the attribute and the access structure line number is returned. The research results show that with the increase of the number of attributes, the advantage of attribute confirmation time for fog servers is gradually obvious; The overall delay of fog computing is shorter, the Time To Live (TTL) is longer, the average delay is only 3 ms, and the delay is lower; The completely hidden access structure constructed by the cuckoo algorithm occupies only 1% of the total system steps, which can more effectively achieve user privacy protection without increasing overhead. The proposed scheme greatly reduces the amount of computation while fully protecting user privacy, and meets the needs of users for fast and secure access.


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Author Biography

Junlin Zhang, School of Information Technology, Guangdong Technology College, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, 526100, China

Junlin Zhang obtained his master’s degree in engineering from South China Agricultural University (2004). At present, he is working as an associate professor in the School of Information Technology of Guangdong Technology College. He is also a member of the Professional Committee of Teaching Quality Management of Guangdong Private Higher Education Institutions. He has published articles in more than 10 well-known peer-reviewed journals and conference minutes. His areas of interest include computer network security, Internet of Things technology, software technology and higher education management.


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How to Cite

Zhang J. Analysis of Security Access Control Systems in Fog Computing Environment. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];12(05):653-74. Available from:



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