Enhanced Hyperchaotic Image Encryption with CAW Transform and Sea-Lion Optimizer


  • Qutaiba Kadhim Abed Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Waleed Ameen Mahmoud Al-Jawher Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq




URUK chaotic system, sea lion optimization, DWT, SHA512, CAW transform, FAN transform


One of the most effective methods for ensuring data security in the communication and information fields is encryption. There is an important role for multi-chaotic systems in the field of data encryption, due to its wide advantages and its sensitivity to the values of the coefficients and ergodicity. However, some multi-chaotic systems possess low complexity and randomness, which results in unacceptable security behaviour of the current data encryption systems. In this study, we introduce a novel hyperchaotic encryption scheme that enhances image security using a three-phase approach. First, SHA512 is combined with URUK chaos to generate plain-related random sequences. Next, a hybrid CAW transform (Cosine, Arnold, and Wavelet) improves randomness. Finally, the Sea Lion optimization algorithm shuffles pixels to achieve robust encryption. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme effectively resists statistical attacks, with superior performance in NPCR, UACI, correlation coefficient, and information entropy tests


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Author Biographies

Qutaiba Kadhim Abed, Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Baghdad, Iraq

Qutaiba Kadhim Abed earned a Bachelor from Diyala University in Diyala, Iraq, in 2014 and a Master of Science in Computer Science from Diyala University in Diyala, Iraq, in 2019. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate at the Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Information Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Baghdad, Iraq. His research interests are image encryption, chaos, compressive sensing, and optimization algorithms.

Waleed Ameen Mahmoud Al-Jawher, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq

Waleed Ameen Mahmoud Al-Jawher President Assistance for Scientific Affairs, University of Uruk, Iraq. He received a School of Research in Digital Signal Processing (2005). He received his Ph.D. in Digital Signal Processing from the University of Wales, United Kingdom (1986). He has a teaching experience in Computer Science and Communication engineering for 44 years. A total of (15) National Awards. He published over (290) papers and supervised more than (210) MSc and PhD Students. He was the First Professor Award at the University of Baghdad, Iraq. His present areas of research interest are the field of Digital Signal Processing and its applications.


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How to Cite

Abed QK, Al-Jawher WAM. Enhanced Hyperchaotic Image Encryption with CAW Transform and Sea-Lion Optimizer. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];13(05):1207-38. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/24849


