Construction and Application of Internet of Things Network Security Situation Prediction Model Based on BiLSTM Algorithm


  • Yubao Wu School of Information Technology, Nanjing Police University; Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210023 China



IIoT, Situation Assessment, Situation Forecast, Two-way Long-term and Short-term Memory Network


IIoT is more and more extensive. However, security problem of IIoT is increasing. Traditional network security strategies can not fully evaluate the security situation of IIoT. In view of the incomplete selection of situation elements and the single dimension of evaluation system, we selected 14 secondary indicators from four dimensions: operation dimension, fragility dimension, stability dimension and threat dimension, and constructed the evaluation index system of IIoT. In the experiment, we selected 50 enterprises as samples, measured the IIoT system and collected data, and determined weight of each index. This article proposes an improved arithmetic optimization algorithm. Evaluate the performance of the model using a 10x cross validation method. The results show that our model reaches 92% accuracy, which is higher than existing models. Optimize parameters of the BiLSTM network by improving the sparrow search algorithm. The experimental results show that the optimized model also outperforms existing models in prediction accuracy. The MSE and MAE of our model are 0.023 and 0.018, respectively, which are reduced by 30% and 25% compared to existing models.


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Author Biography

Yubao Wu, School of Information Technology, Nanjing Police University; Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210023 China

Yubao Wu graduated from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China of Information and Software Engineering 2016. Studied in Software Engineering, Nanjing Police University. He research interests include information security, computer forensics, and cyber crime investigation.


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How to Cite

Wu Y. Construction and Application of Internet of Things Network Security Situation Prediction Model Based on BiLSTM Algorithm. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];13(05):843-62. Available from:



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