On the Use of Machine Learning for Identifying Botnet Network Traffic


  • Matija Stevanovic Wireless Communication Networks Section, Department of Electronic Systems Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
  • Jens Myrup Pedersen Wireless Communication Networks Section, Department of Electronic Systems Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark




Botnet detection, State of the art, Comparative analysis, Traffic analysis, Machine learning


During the last decade significant scientific efforts have been invested in the development of methods that could provide efficient and effective botnet detection.As a result, an array of detection methods based on diverse technical principles and targeting various aspects of botnet phenomena have been defined. As botnets rely on the Internet for both communicating with the attacker as well as for implementing different attack campaigns, network traffic analysis is one of the main means of identifying their existence. In addition to relying on traffic analysis for botnet detection, many contemporary approaches use machine learning techniques for identifying malicious traffic. This paper presents a survey of contemporary botnet detection methods that rely on machine learning for identifying botnet network traffic. The paper provides a comprehensive overview on the existing scientific work thus contributing to the better understanding of capabilities, limitations and opportunities of using machine learning for identifying botnet traffic. Furthermore, the paper outlines possibilities for the future development of machine learning-based botnet detection systems.



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Author Biographies

Matija Stevanovic, Wireless Communication Networks Section, Department of Electronic Systems Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

M. Stevanovic received the M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 2011, from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade University, specializing in system engineering. He is currently a Ph.D. Student in the Wireless Communication Section, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. His research interests include network security, traffic anomaly detection and malware detection based on network traffic analysis.

Jens Myrup Pedersen, Wireless Communication Networks Section, Department of Electronic Systems Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

J. M. Pedersen received the M.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2002, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 2005 fromAalborg University, Denmark. He is currently Associate Professor at the Wireless Communication Section, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. His research interests include network planning, traffic monitoring, and network security. He is author/co-author of more than 70 publications in international conferences and journals, and has participated in Danish, Nordic and European funded research projects. He is also board member of a number of companies within technology and innovation.


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How to Cite

Stevanovic M, Pedersen JM. On the Use of Machine Learning for Identifying Botnet Network Traffic. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];4(2-3):1-32. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/5149


