Variety of Scalable Shuffling Countermeasures against Side Channel Attacks


  • Nikita Veshchikov Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium
  • Stephane Fernandes Medeiros Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium
  • Liran Lerman Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium



Side channel analysis, countermeasures, hiding techniques, shuffling countermeasure, microcontroller, AES, lightweight shuffling


IoT devices have very strong requirements on all the resources such as memory, randomness, energy and execution time. This paper proposes a number of scalable shuffling techniques as countermeasures against side channel analysis. Some extensions of an existing technique called Random Start Index (RSI) are suggested in this paper. Moreover, two new shuffling techniques Reverse Shuffle (RS) and Sweep Swap Shuffle (SSS) are described within their possible extensions. Extensions of RSI, RS and SSS might be implemented in a constrained environment with a small data and time overhead. Each of them might be implemented using different amount of randomness and thus, might be fine-tuned according to requirements and constraints of a cryptographic system such as time, memory, available number of random bits, etc. RSI, RS, SSS and their extensions are described using SubBytes operation of AES-128 block cipher as an example, but they might be used with different operations of AES as well as with other algorithms. This paper also analyses RSI, RS and SSS by comparing their properties such as number of total permutations that might be generated using a fixed number of random bits, data complexity, time overhead and evaluates their resistance against some known side-channel attacks such as correlation power analysis and template attack. Several of proposed shuffling schemes are implemented on a 8-bit microcontroller that uses them to shuffle the first and the last rounds of AES-128.



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Author Biographies

Nikita Veshchikov, Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium

Nikita Veshchikov got his Bachelor in Computer Sciences in 2009 at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium. He continued studies in the same field and got a Master in Computer Sciences with advanced studies of embedded systems in 2011 at the same university. During his master thesis he studied reverse engineering and anti-patching techniques. Since 2011 Nikita works as a teaching assistant while also working on his PhD thesis in the field of side-channel attacks. His is mostly interested in simulators and automated tools for side-channel analysis and computer assisted secure development. He is also interested in lightweight secure implementations.

Stephane Fernandes Medeiros, Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium

Stephane Fernandes Medeiros got his Bachelor (in 2007) and his Master (in 2009) degree in computer sciences at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. He worked on his PhD in the domain of software countermeasures against side-channel attacks while being a teaching assistant at ULB, he got his PhD in 2015. Now Stephane works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles, he is mainly working on security protocols for small embedded devices.

Liran Lerman, Department of Computer Sciences, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium

Liran Lerman received the PhD degree in the department of Computer Science at the Université libre de Bruxelles (in Belgium) in 2015. In 2010, he received with honors (grade magna cum laude) the master degree from the same university. During his PhD thesis, he was a teaching assistant and a student doing research as part of a Machine Learning Group (MLG) and the Cryptography and Security Service (QualSec). Currently, he is a post-doctoral researcher of the QualSec. His research relates to machine learning, side-channel attacks and countermeasures.


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How to Cite

Veshchikov N, Medeiros SF, Lerman L. Variety of Scalable Shuffling Countermeasures against Side Channel Attacks. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];5(3):195-232. Available from:


