SURE-FIT – SecURE and Adaptive Framework for Information Hiding with Fault-Tolerance
Anti-forensics, Detection, Fault Tolerance, File Systems, Hashing, Information Hiding, Robust, Security, Slack Space, Steganography, Threshold Secret SharingAbstract
Historically, Information Hiding has primarily been associated with malicious intentions. However, it also has beneficial applications such digital rights management and passport control. A “DeadDrop” is one such method of espionage trade craft used to physically exchange items or information using a secret rendezvous point. Hiding information in digital file slack space is one such technique that has been used extensively in the modern day, which operates under significant constraints. More importantly, none of the existing work offer robust hiding in slack space with fault tolerance that guarantee recovery of the hidden secret. In this paper, we propose SURE-FIT – a novel asynchronous “Digital Dead Drop” robust to detection and data loss. Our proposed technique offers fault tolerance as a tunable parameter leveraging the Shamir’s classic threshold secret sharing scheme n, k [21]. Through a working prototype implemented on a 64-bit Ubuntu Linux system, we confirm the performance and robustness of SURE-FIT We implement a simple hash-based message integrity verification into SURE-FIT framework to validate secret shares upon their retrieval, which results in significant performance improvement. SURE-FIT is also verified through secret message survivability under various operating conditions including block corruption and defragmentation. Finally, we present results confirming the performance improvement of SURE-FIT over two state-of-the-art IH techniques.
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